LXConsole support and feedback
luca telleschi
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:10 am

Post by luca telleschi »

sorry for boring you one more time...
regarding osc:
i made a template with touchosc (starting from your template)
both in and out works well for master fader, sub fader and control buttons

but faders i set to control single channels from 1 to 48 works from touch osc to lx consle but not viceversa (i use the command " /cmd.lxconsole/1@%p " on touch osc to control single channels level on lx console live window) is this correct?

i've also tried with "send all channels when changed " on osc out menu but it's not the solution..

thank you!

Site Admin
Posts: 1643
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

"send all channels when changed " is mostly for controlling LXBeams and won't work with TouchOSC.

"send channel changes defined in actions" is what you want. This means that you need to associate the OSC Address Pattern with an action for each of your channel faders.

The address pattern "/cmd.lxconsole/2@%p" controls channel 2. The address part "/cmd.lxconsole" does not require special definition in OSC actions to work. It is handled directly without the list of actions being searched for a match. So, if you add an osc action with the address "/cmd.lxconsole/2@%p" in the Setup/OSC tab, it will never get used for incoming OSC. But, LXConsole will never-the-less control channel 2 when a message with the address pattern "/cmd.lxconsole/2@%p" is received.

Channel changes defined in OSC actions can be used to send outgoing OSC messages. "send channel changes defined in actions" in the OSC Out preferences enables this. If you have an OSC action defined in the Setup/OSC tab that has as its action, "2@%p", a message using its address pattern will be sent when channel levels change.

So, putting these two ideas together, in the Setup/OSC tab, add an action with the Address "/cmd.lxconsole/2@%p" and the Action "2@%p". Enable "send channel changes defined in actions" in the OSC Out tab of the preferences.

Assuming TouchOSC is connected properly to LXConsole both OSC In and OSC Out, the following will happen:

If you have a fader in TouchOSC defined with the address pattern "/cmd.lxconsole/2@%p" it will control channel 2 directly when the TouchOSC fader is moved. When you change the level of channels in LXConsole, an OSC message with the address pattern "/cmd.lxconsole/2@%p" will be sent with the level of channel 2.

If you want to control 48 channels, you'll need 48 defined actions. And, 48 OSC messages will be sent every time channel levels in LXConsole are updated. You'll have to try this to see if there are any performance issues.
luca telleschi
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:10 am

Post by luca telleschi »

works perfectly!

thank you!
luca telleschi
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:10 am

Post by luca telleschi »

and wich is the osc command for "last cue"? i would like to have last. finished and next cue text just like lxconsole's control interface

i've tried /2/last_cue but is not working..

thank you!!
Site Admin
Posts: 1643
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

Try latest build 12006.1
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