Me & my grumpy subs don't get along.

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Johan Söderberg
Posts: 294
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:35 pm

Me & my grumpy subs don't get along.

Post by Johan Söderberg »

I've made subs for the colour-channels in some of my ledlights and the intention was to use them from a nanoctrl but I must have done something wrong.

Ive put the subs on the small rotary knobs on top of the nano controller like ”CC-16” with action: ” SUB-3006” and so on, for all the little rotary knobs.

But I cant mix colours very well with them since they go from 0-100 immediately without any fade in between.

I figured it might have to do with the concept of ”Marked channels” so I tried changing my subs so that all the channels and sub channels where unmarked, but with the levels for the chosen colour still left at 100%.
Whenever I used the ”unmark all” command chose to unmark every single subchannel.
That gave me the surprising result that they midi controllers chosen knobs stopped working at all and stayed on zero no matter what I sent from the Nanoctrl.

So then I tried unmarking just one at a time with the option to unmark selected channels with the more confusing result that some channels actually started working as I had hoped but some didn´t.

So now I have a group of 13 lamps in which a few fade their colours nicely at the same time as the rest jump from 0-100 with no fading.

It seems to have something to do with whether I output that midi at full when I register a change in the sub channels marked status or not…

I can´t figure out what Ive done wrong´, so I repeat my mistakes randomly till I get fed up.

But at least my guess that it has something to do with the marking of channels to do seems to be a good one. That’s somewhat comforting. :-)
Just wish I could figure out in what way I’m doing wrong and how to get rid of the problem for all my 9 little colour-subs.
Site Admin
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Post by admin »

Open the drawer in Subs editing mode.

Navigate to the sub that controls the color channel.

Switch to the Advanced tab.

Check the box labeled "Proportional non-intensity channels".

Without this option, a sub will simply assume the level of marked, non-intensity subchannels whenever its master level is not zero. With the option, non-intensity subchannels are proportional to the master level of the sub just like an intensity channel.

Unmarked channels/subchannels are not set by a sub at all. They may have levels recorded in a sub. But, the levels of unmarked channels will not appear in the output regardless of master level.
Johan Söderberg
Posts: 294
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:35 pm


Post by Johan Söderberg »

That solved it.

Never occured to me to open the drawer for a sub.

Some interesting options were hiding there...

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