Improvement for working with moving lights, LEDs, and EFXs

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Improvement for working with moving lights, LEDs, and EFXs

Post by freadZdead »

Hi there,

Just come out of a production that has stretched my usage of LXConsole - great learning curve, and I guess I have come out of it with some ideas where the handling of moving lights, LEDs, and Effects could improve vastly.

Because there was the idea of using Moving lights, focus points dynamically realised through recalled Groups (with capital G), I thought I'd give tracking another shot. I usually store my cues that I use as steps in effects in the upper Cue numbers (i.e. starting with 901 for Effect 1, step 1, 911 for Effect 2, step 1, and so on).

Because I was aware of tracking, I thought it would be better to put a block cue in (which did not produce the desired effect), then I tried to record levels specifically at zero (not much luck either), and eventually I abandoned the idea of focus points as we ran out of time to play with.

Eventually, I'd love to revisit what happened, but in the rest of the plotting (which took longer than hoped for), I noted more pressing needs, i.e.:

A) Selective Recording

I have seen this feature on quite a few other contemporary Lighting Softwares, and does make sense. The idea is to actively control/filter what you are recording into your Cue, Submaster, Group. maybe an additional Record shortcut (I believe capital R is still free ;)?) that works otherwise exactly like the existing record shortcut. The difference:

Once executed, instead of straight recording, a new window pops up containing:
  1. A checkbox "only include selected fixtures" - quite self explanatory, once checked, only stores information from the selected fixtures and leaves all other as not set; this should be automatically ticked if fixtures HAD been selected when the Record command was sent, and automatically be unticked when no fixtures had been selected.
  2. A tree view of the selected fixtures properties; usually, this seem to be once again handled by looking what is currently present/set, meaning, if our "selected fixtures" checkbox above is checked, then merge all possible property types from all fixtures that have been selected... i.e. assuming the selection includes a moving light, as well as a specific LED that has additionally to RGB also White and Cyan, then the resulting list could look a little bit like this:
    Otherwise, all properties of all fixture type in a show should be merged. Every individual property has a checkbox (maybe pre-checked if non-home values are detected?), and every category could have tri-state checkboxes that can be half-ticked (if only part of the underlying properties are ticked)
I hope this isn't asking too much :)... but with this technology available to all Cue, Group, and Submaster recording, I believe it should be much easier to program effects in the context of a while seeing them, without accidentally recording things that you don't want into your targets, and make much better use of tracking mode.

B) Recall From

The experienced Lighting Designer on our show was also missing something crucial in order to easily work with MoveInBlack - let's say, I have just recorded Cue 3 that has new Colour Info, new Positional values, and brings up the intensity on a set of movers. By going from Cue 2 to Cue 3, you will see a fade over the same time into all of these values. The desired effect would potentially be that the new colour is completely set, the new position has already been reached, and that only the intensity changes. Part cues would not really solve this well, as one would have to execute that cue specifically, and wait for the physical act of the movers finding their new position, and finally bring up the intensity in part 2. Other software allows for automatic action by i.e. marking a cue as MIB (move in black), but that seems quite a lot of programming effort and is a bit fancy :)...

What the LX Designer suggested (I guess once again from experience) was a "Recall From" command. Say we have finished recording Cue 3, go into Cue 2, select the channels we would like, and then execute the command with "Cue 3" as its parameter. A window not unlike the Selective Recording window opens, and allows you to untick the unwanted info (i.e. in this case - merely the intensity, with once again - "only FROM selected fixtures" ticked), and on OKing this window, the selected info/subchannels is merged/saved (as a priority) into Cue 2 (so LTP, even if Zero-Values are amongst this).

NB, if Selective Recording is implemented, one could also just finish writing Cue 3, Selective Record Group n, go to Cue 2 and include Group n - might be as easy...


Finally, another thing that I believe might have made life harder was the way effects and dynamic groups are applied. Is it possible that currently things like Position (as in PanTilt etc) and colour information are applied as HTP? Would it make more sense to apply (or have the options to apply) non-intensity values as LTP, as the goal might be to override with lower values (i.e. pan-tilt - HTP does not really make sense here, right?).

There, a long de-brief :)... I hope these ideas make sense and might be worth implementing, happy to chat more - it is only 4c worth (my LX designer and me ;) ... )

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Post by admin »

There are a couple of existing commands that might solve some of the things you mention. The first is using @record: on the command line. This records only the selected channels into the specified cue. If the cue exists, only those channels are replaced, effectively merging into the destination cue. At the moment, the existing cue warning implies that the entire cue will be replaced. But, that is not the way @record: works.

In past versions, @record: copied all subchannels of the selected channels. In future versions, when channels that have non-intensity subchannels are selected, you will be able to choose which subchannels to copy. This would allow you, for example, to copy the pan/tilt position of a number of moving light channels from one cue to another without changing other levels.

Another useful command is Channel->Delay Hilited Channels. This creates a new part to the cue that is delayed and runs after the main fade. This means that subchannels can change after the intensity has faded to black. In past versions, Channel->Delay Hilited Channels only delays the subchannels in the current mode. Because, this means you would have to visit each subchannel display to separately set those subchannels to the delayed part, future versions will ask which subchannels you want to delay and allow you to do more than one at a time.

It is now possible to use submasters for the source of the cues for an effect. This should make it easier to separate cues used specifically for effects from being run as regular cues. And, it should eliminate problems in recording isolated cues for effects when tracking is enabled.
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Post by freadZdead »

Hi Claude,

Sounds great, a lot of issues addressed... Got a two week creative development starting in a week's time, and will test drive it then :)!

With the subs implementation for cues, does that mean that for every step of an effect, instead of recording and using a cue you would record and use an individual sub? And if that is so, wouldn't that mean a lack of individual fade times? But apart from these small reservations against the concept, I do like the idea of seperating the actual cues out from the steps of an effect, it should make it clear and neat.

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Post by admin »

Its either/or. You can use subs as the source for an effect or use cues as before.

It turns out that subs have fade times. This is part of the USITT ASCII standard. Up until using sub times for an effect, there was no use for them. But they were there and you can assign them and save them.
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Post by freadZdead »

Hi Claude, just getting into selective recording, great feature, but here a few items that would be helpful :)...

A) For obvious reasons, it would be extremely useful if @record would work with subs and groups, not just cues.
EDIT: I just realised that it does work when you are in i.e. sub and use @record to record another sub... what I meant was though adding the "c", "s" or "g" button to the @record command from anywhere.

B) It seems that @record only works with ch&ch&ch, not with i.e. ch>ch - this would be very useful if it did :)!

C) Position could include Pan/Tilt Speed (minor issue for me at the moment, but would make sense).

D) At least when using @record, when pressing cancel in the Subchannel selection window, a cue is nontheless recorded.

Apart from that, it seems to work brilliantly!

Outside of the functionality of @record, there is one thing which I am sorely missing - the ability to easily set ALL subchannels of a selection to zero. i.e., normally "1>100@00" only gets the currently selected subchannel (often Intensity) - is there a way to have a command that completely nulls (or even better re-sets to home) all subchannels of a selection?

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Post by admin »

After the "@" use "s" or "g" to expand to "@record sub:" / "@record group". As of 3.5.8 this works with "q", expanding to "@record cue:"

@record works will all hilited channels, including something like "11>20@record:5" or "1>10-3-5-7@record:6"

Would it make sense to have a quick menu for all speeds? Or would color speed go with color and pan/tilt speed go with position?

You can now in build 7816B, cancel sub-channel selection when using @record and a new cue will not be created.

The Channel->Home All for Hilited Channels command sets all sub-channels of the hilited channels to their home levels. Version 3.5.8 adds a Channel->Home Hilited Channels command that allows you to select the sub-channels that you want to set to home.
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Post by freadZdead »

Hi Claude, good question...

I haven't come across a fixture that uses colour speed, but I guess scrollers might... my gut feeling would be though to have colour speed with colour, and pan/tilt speed with position...

Thanks for all the other changes, appreciated!

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