LXConsole 1.3.10 Beta

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LXConsole 1.3.10 Beta

Post by admin »

The new beta of LXConsole is available as part of the LXSeries Pro latest build install.

The new LXConsole is heavily re-written and may include bugs. But, it introduces Live Display mode that eliminates the "Send To DMX Interface" script. Editing is always live in "Live" mode--changes are sent to the DMX output. However, it is necessary to use the command line to ("r") record: or ("c") copyTo: in order to save the contents of the live cue.

The new LXConsole also has tracking and sub-channel support. Currently, the only way to setup sub-channels is by using LXBeams' "Setup LXConsole" script. This requires the latest version of LXBeams (1.2 beta).
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