Sending Midi to QU-16 for muting channels doesn't work yet..

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Sending Midi to QU-16 for muting channels doesn't work yet..

Post by Edzo »

Hi all,

I'm trying to find a solution to make mute ques in Lxconsole/Qlab, to send to an Allen&Heath QU-16 mixer. (which itself is a bitch to make ques on) allowing me to program sound mutes in between the light/ video ques.

I have connections to/from Lxconsole more or less up and running, but I can't find the right commands to send. It needs an combined midi on/ off command, and I cannot figure out how to send this from lxconsole.

In the midi detect modus I see for example a quick "on-15 off-47" command appearing when I push the mute button of ch. 16 on the QU16. next push gives "off-15 on-47"

What command should I send from Lxconsole to make the QU16 listen?

By the way, I needed to install the Allen & Heath DAW control app to make any sense of midi commands, it converts to and from the A&H own midi protocol. I use the CC translator protocol now. Other options are Mackie control or HUI.
Posts: 25
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:33 pm
Location: Netherlands

Post by Edzo »

by the way, faders are responding, to and from lxconsole, through the for example "cc-3 4@%v" (for fader 4 ) command,

though sending levels TO Lxconsole goes very very slowly, and at sending levels FROM Lxconsole the faders react very direct.
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