OSC Out problem

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OSC Out problem

Post by alberto »

I can't send an osc "/ cue / 1 / start" command to Qlab
I've tried from "Preferences> OSC Out and from View> Setup> Osc Out
I have OSC Out activated
LxConsole V5.5.0
Please help
Un saludo,
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Post by admin »

If LXConsole and Qlab are both on the same computer, the following should work. If not, look in QLab's settings window in the OSC Controls tab. There is "Your Current IP Address" listed. Replace with that address in the following:

In LXConsole's Setup window's OSC Out tab, create a destination named "qlab". For the IP Address enter "" (or the IP address as found above). For the port enter "53000". To be clear, in all three columns, do not include the quotation marks.

In Cues display mode (blind), navigate to the cue you want to use to trigger QLab. In the Inspector's cue actions tab, click the + button to add an action. From the popup list in the Action column, select "osc". Then, click edit. Enter "qlab~/cue/1/start". (Once again, do not include the quotation marks.)

Make sure that File->External->OSC Out is checked. Trigger the cue with the action attached. The target cue 1 in QLab should fire.

This works fine for me with OSX 10.14.6 and QLab 4.4.3. Some versions of QLab/OSX may have required an active WiFi or Ethernet connection. However, this worked for me without one and with using If you don't get it to work, try the explicit IPAddress, even if QLab and LXConsole are on the same computer.

The reason to define a named OSC Destination in Setup is that you can easily change the IPAddress/port for a number of cues that send OSC messages, without editing the action for each one individually.
Posts: 42
Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:02 pm
Location: Alicante

Post by alberto »

It works perfect
Thank you
Un saludo,
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