Disappearing Information

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Disappearing Information

Post by GarageStudio »

When I enter information into the Info panel for a lighting fixture, example Dimmer, when I go to the next fixture and enter information and go back to the previous fixture the information is gone. Is there a bug in the latest version?
Matthew Timoszyk
Garage Studio Production Services
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

There is not a known bug. Can you detail exactly what you are doing and what version of both LXFree for Java and the Operating System?

The most likely thing that is happening is that you need to press "enter" to set the information when you enter it in the Inspector's info table. If you do not do this and simply click to the next symbol, the information you have started to enter is discarded.

(This is a behavior of Java. There may or may not Be a way to modify it.)
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