Hoping to use LXfree with Spotlight Instruments

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Hoping to use LXfree with Spotlight Instruments

Post by philux »

So, I've been using LXfree for Java for some time now (I can't wait until you have a LXPro version available for Windows, btw) and I'm currently working in a theatre that uses instruments manufactured by the italian company Spotlight. Is there any chance anyone has already created the appropriate key files?

Thanks much,
Michael Rathbun
Technical Director and Lighting Designer for Peel The Limelight, Bangkok's Premier Professional English Language Theatre Company
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Post by admin »

If you post the fixtures you are interested in along with the URL of the webpage with the specs for the instrument(s), we'll see about getting a Spotlight library added.

If you like, you can use the popup in the Inspector's Symbols tab to create a new symbol on your own and fill in the details. There is no symbol browser in LXFree for Java like there is in LXBeams. However, you can look at other similar symbols and re-use their symbol ID number (Symbol ID refers to the built-in graphic).
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Post by philux »

That would be wonderful! I appreciate the help and support you're willing to provide. And a bigger library is always better!

The fixtures of interest to me are a few of their zoom ellipsoidals:

Spotlight Sintesi Figura 12 ZS
http://www.spotlight.it/prodotto.asp?la ... dottoId=67
Spotlight Sintesi Figura 5 ZS
http://www.spotlight.it/prodotto.asp?la ... dottoId=65
Spotlight Sintesi Figura 5 ZW
http://www.spotlight.it/prodotto.asp?la ... dottoId=66

Some of their PC & Fresnels:

Spotlight Combi 05 F
http://www.spotlight.it/prodotto.asp?la ... dottoId=41

Spotlight Combi 05 PC
http://www.spotlight.it/prodotto.asp?la ... dottoId=45

From what I'm given to understand, this is the fairly standard Spotlight theatrical lighting package. Thanks!
Michael Rathbun
Technical Director and Lighting Designer for Peel The Limelight, Bangkok's Premier Professional English Language Theatre Company
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Post by admin »

If you go to:


and click on the user contributed files link, there are two files with spotlight symbols.

You can either copy and paste from the spotlight_it.lxxplot file into another plot. Or you can import the spotlight_it.lxkey file.

To import a key into LXFree for Java, select "Load Key" from the popup in the Inspector's symbols tab. Then, scroll down to "Import...", choose that and select the key file you want to import.

The spotlight_it key will eventually get included in a build of the software itself and you will be able to load it like any of the other built-in keys.
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