Info field placement

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Info field placement

Post by lanternz »

The info fields for components do not seem to respond in the same ways as normal lighting bars. I am using the ML truss component in my copy of LxBeams Version 4.6.0 (11124.2). The option select function does not work to select the info field. When I do manage to select and move the field to the desired position, the copy and paste field position functions do not work as they do with a normal lighting position.
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Post by admin »

A component is simply a collection of regular objects. You could get the same thing by having a plot full of "clip art" and copying and pasting sections into your current design. The truss objects in the component library are a grouped collection of regular objects.

You can ungroup a component to get access to the info fields. This is necessary if the lights that the info fields belong to are inside a group AND you have Format->Disable Info Field Selection enabled.

An option key + click on an object inside a group selects a single object for editing. So, in order for an info field to be selected, either the Disable Info Field Selection needs not to be active (or the group needs to be exploded).
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Post by lanternz »

OK - thanks, I get it now. Just the centre line is what is behaving as a position which is why I don't see the rest of the truss in the section.
Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

Some of the info field placement commands were not working correctly when the info field belonged to an object inside a group. These are fixed in 4.6.2 which is available as a latest build.

Specifically, you should be able to use an option click to select a light inside a group. Then, in the Inspector's info table, you should be able to select a row corresponding to an info field. Right-click (control-click) on the selected row should pop up a contextual menu that allows selection of the corresponding info field (among other things). This would be an alternative way to select an info field belonging to an object inside a group when "Disable Info Field Selection" was engaged.
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