Request - Please make the light numbers lock

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Request - Please make the light numbers lock

Post by timld »

Can I please request that the numbers assigned to lights and displayed in the centre of the fixture be locked to the fixture? Every time I go to drag a light, I end up dragging the tiny number then I have to undo and redraw. I understand that having the number be movable is useful but I would suggest that dragging a light is a lot more common function.
To make it flexible, it could be a view setting "Lock Numbers to Lights".
Unless, of course, something is already available and I've completely missed it. Which is definitely possible.

Thanks for creating the software! It is always the one I turn to to plot out my rig and has a good professional result.
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Post by admin »

Accidentally selecting info fields is not limited to the unit numbers. That's why there is the Format->Disable Info Field Selection" command. With info field selection disabled, clicking on an info field will select the light it is linked to instead of the field itself.

The latest build of LXBeams adds Format->Info Fields->Reset Field Locations command. This will allow you to restore the default position of info fields that you have accidentally dragged. The latest build also allows you to select a number of lights and then select a row in the Inspector's Info table. With the row selected, hold down the control key and click (or right click) on the row. This will pop up a menu that allows you to reset the default position of only the field represented by the row. For example, you can straighten up a number of lights that have their unit number slightly off center using without messing up or changing the position of their other displayed fields.

Copy/Paste field locations work similarly. These commands give you the ability to quickly match the arrangement of fields across a set of selected lights.
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