Point out locked items

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Johan Söderberg
Posts: 294
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:35 pm

Point out locked items

Post by Johan Söderberg »

A silly little request...

I'd like that if a marked item is locked it shouldnt be marked with the usual handles in corners and centerpoints.
An x or something else that differs from the little square would be helpful.

Now if I mark a bunch of objects in a plot and try to move them all I have no indication of which objects wont follow.

If I try to drag around many selected objects it depends on where I put my cursor if none will move or the unlocked ones only. - If I point at a locked item nothing will move.
Site Admin
Posts: 1643
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

It should not be too difficult to change the color of the selection indicators when an object is locked. This can be added into the next version after 3.7 is officially released (the release candidate is available as the latest build right now and will probably be designated as the release version soon).
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