Opening older files

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Opening older files

Post by lanternz »

Trying to open a 2002 file. It opens the app but fails to open the drawing. Inspector message:
Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-30773 "The document “Don Giovanni ADL 2002 plot” could not be opened. " (kURLInvalidURLError) UserInfo=0x610000468c40 {NSLocalizedDescription=The document “Don Giovanni ADL 2002 plot” could not be opened. , NSUnderlyingError=0x610000253590 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -30773.)"}

is there a fix or to I have to export it from an older version of the app?
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

This could be due to the file having an .lxx rather than .lxxplot extension. If that does not work, you can look in the messages window to see if there is more information about the error. Otherwise, feel free to e-mail the file and we can see if we can find out what the problem is.
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