A Bug I guess.

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Johan Söderberg
Posts: 294
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:35 pm

A Bug I guess.

Post by Johan Söderberg »

Last week it has happened to me occassionally that:

After I've changed the settings for distance and number of copies to be duplicated, the next click I make in my plot will instantly put a symbol for a fresnel there.

First times I hardly reacted, figured I had done something wrong, deleted that fresnel and went on. But after its happened again and again I noticed this pattern that it had to do with me changing the number of duplicates.

Ive tried to recreate this but cant, then suddenly it just happens again...
Site Admin
Posts: 1643
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

Probably what is happening is that you are pressing the 2 key, but do not have the field in the Inspector highlighted for entering text.

Pressing the 2 key will select the light tool. Thus, you draw a light when you click.

This could happen with other number keys. You might not notice if you pressed 1 (without the field highlighted) because that selects the arrow tool.
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