I've been playing with the excellent libraries to send/receive sACN to the little adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 wifi boards.
I am currently working from the file: "ESP-DMXNeoPixels.ino"
So far, if I make the board a WiFi AP, I can connect to its access point and immediately get to controlling the NeoPixels with no problem by sending sACN to the right universe.
However, I am interested in having multiple boards connecting to one WiFi network and be able to individually send DMX to them independently.
More concretely, I have two different dancers on which I would like to control the LED's from each of their suits individually from their independent ESP8266 boards.
Is there a way to do this? I've gotten the board to connect to a network a few other scripts instead of creating the access point.
I've tried by changing these settings in the "LXDMXWiFiConfig.cpp":
strncpy((char*)_wifi_config, CONFIG_PACKET_IDENT,

_wifi_config->version = DMXWIFI_CONFIG_VERSION;
_wifi_config->wifi_mode = AP_MODE; // AP_MODE or STATION_MODE
_wifi_config->protocol_flags = MULTICAST_MODE; // sACN multicast mode
strncpy(_wifi_config->ssid, "ESP-DMX-WiFi", 63);
strncpy(_wifi_config->pwd, "*****", 63);
(changing the mode to STATION_MODE and adding a wifi network SSID and Password).
Not quite sure if that is the correct way, but the few things I've tried won't get the board connecting to a wireless network yet, so I haven't been able to try stuff past that.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!